Rescue Me! Australian Cattle Dog Australian Cattle Dog Blog

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1,349,525 animals have been adopted on Rescue Me!

Letters below were sent to founder Jeff Gold from people helped by Rescue Me!

Sender: Lana Trester     Date: September 3, 2018 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me! Jackson was adopted by a wonderful family. Now he has a place to run and a big lake to swim. So happy for him!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Lisa Funkhouser     Date: July 28, 2018 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me. Our sweet Misty now has her forever home.

Sender: Sara Alfeche     Date: June 28, 2018 _
     Max came to us from a high kill shelter in Kentucky. He was found as a stray and never knew what it was like to be a pet. He had some anxiety issues, and took a little bit to trust us. After months of training and learning his personality, we felt he was ready to search for his forever family. Thanks to Rescue Me, we were able to make that happen. We were contacted by a young man named Garrett, who was very familiar with cattle dogs. He drove three hours to come meet Max, and connected instantly. We have been in contact since he has been there, and he is very dedicated and determined to make Max feel at home. Thank you Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue

Sender: Cassandra Barbato     Date: April 16, 2018 _
     I was very worried that my dog would not find a home, I was happy with. We had the perfect fit family contact us within the first three days of my post on Rescue Me and my dog, Kitty, was adopted to a family that is super excited to bring her into their home as well met all my criteria! She went to be with her new home today and I'm so happy to that she will be with a family that can care for her better than I am able to!

Sender: Jan Compton     Date: March 23, 2018 _
     Within 24 hours, a couple contacted me and asked questions about the abandon Queensland Heeler I took in. She was a nursing mother with no pups and starving. After checking our area and not finding owners I realized she was dumped on our road. This has happened many times as we live by the river. I then contacted Rescue Me. This wonderful couple drove through heavy rain for over two hours to see her and brought their dog to see if they would get along. They even offered to pay me for keeping her. They took her with the lady sitting in the back seat with Sophia. She called me to let me know they took her right to a vet and stopped to buy her the food I had been feeding her. Because of your help, I found good loving people for this dog. Thank you!

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Sender: Teresa Gaedke     Date: February 7, 2018 _
     This sweet boy, named Firecracker, was at a high kill shelter heading to the back room to be euthanized for space. So very sad! This boy is amazing. He was rescued just in time and has found his forever family. Thanks so much, Rescue Me!

Sender: Cari Yakubsin     Date: February 3, 2018 _
     Luna got her forever home thanks to Rescue Me! She left today with her new owner. She made a very good first impression... No barking!! She played with a toy her new mom brought then jumped in the car just as if she owned it. I'm very happy that she got what she needed thanks to your website. She's a lucky girl for sure. Thank you!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Sue Marques     Date: January 20, 2018 _
     This sweet boy found his furever home thanks to Rescue Me. He is the proud new 'owner' of a dog lover who promised to take good care of and love him for his lifetime.

Sender: Ginger Young     Date: January 14, 2018 _
     I want to thank Rescue Me and the new parents of Rockie and Bentley! I am forever grateful that my precious puppies have really good homes! Such a blessing!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue

Sender: Ginger Young     Date: January 14, 2018 _
     I want to thank the Rescue Me website and the new parents of Ranger! The awesome ladies drove almost four hours to adopt Sasha and upon arrival, they chose to adopt her brother, Ranger also! I am so proud and blessed that two of my precious puppies went to such a good home!

Sender: Judy Labarbera     Date: December 17, 2017 _
     Xena Warrior Princess, a six year old Blue Heeler, had a rough start in life as she was dumped by her first owner and was found walking along a canal wearing a collar that was too big for her three month old neck with a red bandanna attached. The Moreno Valley Animal Shelter' animal behaviorist instructed her new owner, a middle aged woman who's family had owned heelers for 40 years, that Xena was going to take extra work due to her tenaciousness. Indeed, it took a year of alpha-rolling and taking the bites to settle Xena into the role of household pet. Unfortunately, Xena could not share her people with other canines (cats and other humans were fine) and so when another female ACD was adopted, Xena was not hospitable. Being completely trained, she was the better choice to offer to a new home. Rescue Me was instrumental in bringing another ACD lover (who had just lost her ACD) to adopt this special girl. It was live at first site for both of them and Xena and Mary will surely live happily ever after.

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Sender: Lori Green     Date: November 25, 2017 _
     These sweet sisters, which I named Libby and Lucy, were dumped at my house. I already have four dogs and could not keep them. I placed an ad in our local newspaper, hoping perhaps they belonged to someone and had just gotten lost. No one claimed the girls. I searched for a rescue group and found your website. I posted the girls' picture and hoped for the best. One evening I received a call from a number I did not recognize. Usually I do not answer such calls, but decided to see who was calling. It was an older couple that saw my post. They were looking for a dog. After talking for a while I felt comfortable. They decided they would like to have Lucy (ears down in the picture). I was grateful that at least one of the girls was going to a good home, but fretted over them being separated and finding a home for Libby. Two days later the lady called and asked, yes asked, if I minded if she and her husband adopted both girls. They were concerned about separation anxiety if they only took one. Needless to say my reply was yes!! I was so thankful they were being adopted together and were going to a good home. The couple sees the girls as treasures. The girls hit the jackpot with finding a loving, forever home where they are together. I have kept in touch with the couple. The girls are inside dogs, getting shots and spaying and are loved. Thank you for your site, Rescue Me. You made Libby and Lucy's adoption to a loving, forever home possible. Thank you again!!

Sender: Judith Mcreynolds     Date: November 8, 2017 _
     SENIOR DOGS ARE FANTASTIC!!! Please be open to adopting older dogs. I found Matilda here on Rescue Me, an 11 year old female Cattle Dog, being offered by an individual who had been caring for her after her lifetime owner died. She spent her life on a semi truck sharing companionship and love 24/7 with her truck driver Dad and she came to me knowing how to behave around people and vehicles and dogs. She is so well socialized that I can take her anywhere and not worry how she will act. She is the love of my life! And I almost passed her up because of her age!! People, give those older dogs a chance, please!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Judy Dickinson     Date: November 2, 2017 _
     Maggie found a new home with wonderful people. Just the right place with lots of room to run. Thanks, Rescue Me. I really appreciate it!!!

Sender: Jean Shope     Date: October 27, 2017 _
     After having our Sadie for 15 years, I was not sure if I wanted to go through the sorrow again. She left such a void in our hearts. While looking at Rescue Me, I saw Daisy. Above her picture, it said she was to be euthanized if a home was not found. That tore me up. I talked to her owner asking her to give me time to decide what to do. In a few days, we drove two hours and brought her home with us to her forever home. She is so sweet and so very smart. She was afraid of our John Deere Gator that my husband always took our Sadie rides. Daisy was afraid of our stairs, not now. She has overcome each thing she was not accustomed to. She sleeps with me and she will be in this forever home..FOREVER! Thank you, Rescue Me.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue

Sender: Robyn Rupley     Date: October 25, 2017 _
     We had very good luck using Rescue Me! Many great homes seemed to be available.

Sender: Elizabeth Thomas     Date: October 24, 2017 _
     I found Rescue Me from a Google search when I was looking for a home for my Jackson, a Blue heeler/Rat Terrier. I needed to find him a new situation because of some behavioral issues. I got a few emails a day and some didn't respond or had found a different pet for their home already. When I heard from 'the right' person I knew it and met with her and she took my sweet boy home to be her sweet boy. Right now we are doing a two week trial run. But I am pretty sure they will be very happy together.

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue

Sender: Sandi Niosi     Date: October 23, 2017 _
     I saw Rudy on this site after looking at several dogs. I contacted one of the rescue sites and they were absolutely ridiculous with the requirements for adopting the dog. I reached out to Sandra Schott in Bandera concerning Rudy and found out he also had a sister, Knight. We arranged a date and time to meet. We drove four hours from Conroe to Bandera to meet and pick up the dogs. They truly did not know their names so we renamed them Luke and Bella. They are in a loving home and we are both learning about each other. They love treats, walks and play time. They are both so loving and deserved a good home. I am thankful Rescue Me existed and we were able to find our forever children.

Sender: Linda Blue     Date: October 7, 2017 _
     Our Cattle Dog, Daisy, was adopted to a nice retired couple in American Canyon with five acres. They lost their Cattle Dog a week ago and it was from our city. When they saw Daisy was from the same place and came to meet her they knew it was a destined match. Thank you so much, Rescue Me!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Anita Braun     Date: September 29, 2017 _
     I was surprised at how quickly Lucy was adopted, being that she was a senior dog with a couple of health issues. I was hoping to find her a good home, rather than send her to a shelter, even a 'no kill' shelter. There were two gentlemen interested in her initially, but one had to pass due to a change in his circumstances. Lucy is now happily residing in her new home in a very dog friendly town. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Sender: Ellen Driscoll     Date: September 21, 2017 _
     Yeti was abandoned on a corner across from my workplace. For six months, neither I nor anyone else could touch him. In December and after many untold roadblocks, he came home with me. Slowly he began to trust and love. Unfortunately, my Chiweenie did not like him nor would she play with him or even let him have affection if she was in the room. He deserves more and as a herd dog, he needed more. Though I wanted to be his real Mom, it became clear that for his sake he needed a home without a hateful Chiweenie included! The sweetest couple who only recently lost their white Heeler saw Yeti's picture on Rescue Me. 'He's the one,' Yeti's new daddy said. After they came to meet him it was obvious to us all Yeti belonged with them and his new little brother, Amos. As a plus he would have ten acres, a large yard, a pool and two retired parents to spend time with. When he left two days later, my husband and I sobbed. So did his new parents. But Yeti's story has the happiest of endings I could ever have asked his maker for. Thank you, Lord and thank you, Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue

Sender: Helen Hollenbeck     Date: September 17, 2017 _
     Bailey was successfully integrated into her new family! She is happily working on a chicken farm. Thank you Rescue Me!

Sender: Tammy Roy     Date: September 14, 2017 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me! Buddy was a family pet and when Dad died, he lost his pack leader. We decided to re-home him because he deserved to find someone who could give him the time he requires and love him. We posted him on Rescue Me and received a few responses and then we found Ed or should I say Ed found us. It was a perfect fit. I think Buddy has found his new 'best friend' and I hope Ed found his.

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Sender: Wandaw Dyer     Date: August 9, 2017 _
     This is a wonderful website. The dog found a good home through Rescue Me! Thanks to everyone that wanted him.

Sender: Lisa Mayzsak     Date: July 30, 2017 _
     We needed a home for our young Heeler/Aussie who needed much more time and attention than we could give him due to recent added responsibilities. A wonderful family called and offered a home where he would have more interaction and freedom to roam inside and outside. I am sure he will love it! Thank you, Rescue Me!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Carol Crawford     Date: July 15, 2017 _
     We found Tora a great home with a mom and two teenage daughters who adore her. I tried to send a picture but I need an email address to post the happy family. Thanks so much for what you do at Rescue Me!

Sender: Kimberly Mitchell     Date: June 3, 2017 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me! Pugsley got his forever home and has a dog sister now as well.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue

Sender: Marc Baker     Date: May 26, 2017 _
     After having my dog Matilda on Rescue Me, within a few days I received a call from a woman approximately thirty minutes away. Unfortunately, she had just lost her male Cattle Dog three weeks earlier. My sister and I drove to her residence to see how Matilda reacted to the woman, her sister, and her sister's two dogs (one being a male Cattle Dog). The visit went well, and the woman decided to give Matilda a loving home. She also happened to be a groomer and an agility trainer. It could not have been a more perfect match, and now Matilda has a wonderful home including a memory foam dog bed at the foot of her new owner's bed. I was so grateful to this woman for giving my sweet dog a loving home, that when she asked me how much I wanted for her, I had not even thought about money being involved. Therefore, I declined her offer and told her that I was just so very thankful for a good home for my beloved dog. Thank you so much Rescue Me!

Sender: Charlotte Sepulveda     Date: May 23, 2017 _
     I found Maxine a forever home with two wonderful people. She has adapted to them well and they have four cats who are now her siblings. I am so glad she has been accepted by some of the cats and both of her new owners. They have a big yard for her and hearts of gold when it comes to loving her. Thanks, Rescue Me!

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue

Sender: Carol Crawford     Date: May 16, 2017 _
     Happily, Tora found a new home through Rescue Me and it's a great home too! Many, many thanks for this site. The family was looking for Cattle dogs!

Sender: Graison Gill     Date: May 15, 2017 _
     We did find a wonderful couple who were able to re-home Bijou. Thanks to Rescue Me for facilitating this relationship and for finding a better home for this wonderful dog.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Vinita Sharma     Date: April 21, 2017 _
     When my beloved dog, Red, died unexpectedly, something in me died too, and the heaviness in my heart was inconsolable. Then I found myself searching for a dog that reminded me of him and I saw Radhu on your Rescue Me! And to my amazement saw that he was en route to my home state. Oh, this was meant to be! I drove the 80 miles through heavy, blinding rain to adopt him. He was the most timid, scared puppy curled up in a tight ball and just cowering from whatever life had thrown at him. I had to carry him to my car and when he met my two Schnauzers awaiting their new brother, he started wagging his tail. As I drove home a huge double rainbow formed ahead of us over the highway and I couldn't believe we were actually driving through the colors! I felt my dog Red was leaving me now and running up that Rainbow Bridge. He will never be replaced, but little Radhu has restored my joy. Now he is the happiest, funniest boy. Pepper, my female Schnauzer, has taken him right under her wings. The best of friends, all three dogs cavort and play and race all over the 10 acres and through their own forest and that little dog has pulled me back into the world of the living. I have renamed him Radhu Muni Raksha, (Radhu) For those of you who know Sanskrit piecing it together God save the hermit. And He has.

Sender: Sheryl Dewalt     Date: April 11, 2017 _
     Baxter was found running in the streets during an ice storm. A kindly resident took him in during the storm, but he was too much energy for her. He was turned over to the Animal Control Officer. He was wearing a blue harness, but no tags and no microchip. His picture was posted throughout the city and neighboring towns, but no one claimed him. After he was taken to the vet for an exam, blood work and neutering, I agreed to foster him. He has been with me since March 24. A wonderful family found him on the Rescue Me website and came to meet him last night. They fell in love with him, but the mother told me that she had to discuss it with her husband. Less than an hour later, I received a text message that Baxter had a new family and home! He will be living with another dog, a couple of cats, and three children on two acres of land. Just perfect for a one year old with boundless energy! No doubt I will cry when they pick him up on Saturday, but it's the best thing that could have happened to Baxter. I am so pleased he was able to find a family to give him the home and love he deserves.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue

Sender: Karen Logsdon     Date: April 9, 2017 _
     We fostered Sierra and had hoped to keep her, but our female Husky didn't like her. We found a wonderful family for Sierra using Rescue Me. The family has a three year old red cattle dog and they plan to take her camping with them. She found just the home that she needed with another playful dog and lots of people to love her.

Sender: Alexis Lopez     Date: April 8, 2017 _
     Charlie was a pet that was brought in from the shelter with a fractured leg and was going to be euthanized until the doctor requested for the shelter to surrender him to our hospital. The doctor took x-rays and revealed where the fracture was and attempted to correct it with splints but it was not successful. She then decided to fix surgically and that was not possible so the leg was removed. Since January, Charlie has been at the hospital trying to find a home and has been unsuccessful. We posted Charlie on Rescue Me and not even a week later he met his forever home. Thanks Rescue Me!

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Sender: Martin Gerlach     Date: April 6, 2017 _
     Rescue Me is an excellent resource for your fur babies needing new homes. I had a new home for my baby in 12 hours! Thanks!

Sender: Lea Bouchard     Date: April 3, 2017 _
     She was adopted to a lovely family. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Jessica Glover     Date: March 27, 2017 _
     Thanks to Rescue Me, Boudleaux the Cattle Dog found his forever home. Boudleaux had been in the foster system since October 2016 and was not enjoying city life. We posted him on Rescue Me and two days later he found the perfect home with the help of the posting. Over the next two weeks we were able to get Boud out to his new home to live the perfect Cattle Dog life. Boudleaux will always be grateful to Rescue Me for getting him out to the country and into his furever home.

Sender: Dawn Carter     Date: March 20, 2017 _
     I have been trying to find Piper a home where she would be happy. She was a rescue and we fostered her. She was a sweet, happy dog who loved everyone and she is good with other animals also. We just couldn't keep here as we are never home and didn't have a big place for her to run. She found her forever home on a big farm. She seems happy and adjusted well. The person who adopted her really loves her breed. I am a selective person and am happy I found this site. Thank you, Rescue Me.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue

Sender: Janelle Cordova     Date: February 26, 2017 _
     I am completely excited to let you know Jax has successfully made it to his new home. His new brother and sister are a Greyhound and adult Red Heeler. His adopted dad is home during the day with him and they are ready to run and play and off some of his energy!! I couldn't have done it without Rescue Me! Thanks again. -JaNelle

Sender: Julie Liles     Date: February 14, 2017 _
     I have always adopted my pets through shelters, but never searched online before. I first spoke with Kaitlyn on the phone and she was extremely helpful with walking us through the adoption form process. We live two hours away and she made sure all was in order for our visit. When we arrived Codi was so helpful and accommodating in introducing us to the dogs we were interested in meeting. Griffin quickly stole our hearts and it wasn't long before he had a bath and we were on our way home. This was the easiest, friendliest, most pleasant experience we have had when adopting a new family member. Day three of Griffin's transition into our home and he has already begun to settle. He enjoys admiring himself in mirrors. He is a Velcro pup and so interested in all we are doing. He loves investigating all his surroundings and sleeps soundly after our hikes. He has staked claim on the couch and our hearts. Thank you to the staff at the Hill Country SPCA and Rescue Me!!! We love our sweet boy, Griffin. There is a special bond between a human and their cattle dog.

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Sender: Janice Kimmel     Date: February 9, 2017 _
     When it became clear that my dog wasn't a good match for my two toddlers, I posted on Rescue Me. I got a call from a lovely couple within two hours of my post telling me that they wanted to take her home to their acreage. I'm so glad we could get her a place she'll be happy!

Sender: Emily Richardson     Date: December 23, 2016 _
     Young Alice was adopted by a wonderful family. Rescue Me was a great blessing for both Alice and her new forever family!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Lisa Gee     Date: November 19, 2016 _
     Within five days of posting on Rescue Me, the two wonderful pups that I found abandoned on a country road were adopted by a lovely family. They are going to have a wonderful and spoiled life. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Sender: Kathy Rokas     Date: October 24, 2016 _
     My cattle dog passed away a year and a half ago at 14 years old. I'd recently been thinking about getting another one. I came across the Rescue Me website by accident, and I am so glad I did. I saw Carlos on your website and reached out the couple that rescued him. Yesterday, I drove across the state to pick him up. The couple drove an hour out of their way to meet me which saved me two hours of driving. They were amazing to work with and Carlos is settling in nicely.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue

Sender: Kayla Stitt     Date: October 16, 2016 _
     Dixie found her forever home with being posted on Rescue Me for only five days. She went to an amazing family with lots of room for her.

Sender: Kim Kern     Date: September 26, 2016 _
     I found a great home for Brody. Thank you, Rescue Me. The couple donated way more than what I asked also. It was an awesome outcome for both Brody and Rescue Me.

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue

Sender: Kim Kern     Date: September 23, 2016 _
     Thank you so much, Rescue Me. Brody found a loving home and the family that adopted him donated more than I asked for. I put on there a $20 donation, and he made a $100 donation!

Sender: Jennifer Julian     Date: August 2, 2016 _
     My dog Jessie was showing signs of aggression and jealousy towards our toddler. We were able to find a kid free and friendly home through Rescue Me. Thank you so much!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Jeanne Card     Date: July 15, 2016 _
     We found a good match for Rascal. They live near, so Mom can visit him. He is an only dog and that was the kind of home we were looking for. The lady that called had been looking for a dog like Rascal and they really hit it off well. We will be checking on him to make sure it works out. I think it was a perfect fit. Thanks to all that helped. Now we just need to find a home for the cats. Rescue Me is a cool site. Keep up the great work.

Sender: Ellen Mccormack     Date: June 27, 2016 _
     The perfect couple found him. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue

Sender: Jeannette Petersen     Date: June 15, 2016 _
     Rescue Me made the adoption process for Lo so easy. He was adopted out to a great family who is totally loving on him. He has sent me picture and videos and Lo looks so happy. Thanks, Rescue Me! -Jeannette

Sender: Sarah Albers     Date: June 6, 2016 _
     I stumbled across this site when I was looking to rehome our very energetic and protective Blue Heeler. We found the absolute perfect family for Cosmo within a month. I'm so glad I found Rescue Me!!!

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue

Sender: Barbie Sylvester     Date: May 6, 2016 _
     We received many calls right away. Everyone was very patient as we took our time speaking with all the potential families and we were able to make sure we found a good match for the family and Sasha. Plus we were able to donate the $50 fee to the Rescue Me organization!

Sender: Jennifer Kaelin     Date: April 12, 2016 _
     I was desperate to find the perfect home for an Australian Cattle Dog that I offered to foster for a bogus rescue group. I posted Austin's profile and within three months, I got a call. It may have only been one call, but it truly must have been love at first sight, because the man that came to meet Austin, couldn't have been more of a perfect match for him. Austin is a large, energetic dog, and his new master is super tall and very athletic. Austin skateboards, runs and hikes daily. He's getting more exercise than I could ever provide for him. He spends his weekdays hanging out with his new owner and crew on the job site for the company his new master owns. He is the company mascot! I keep tabs on him regularly - he looks amazing and HAPPY! Thank you so much, Rescue Me, for providing this service for individuals not associated with a rescue group.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Desiree Carlow     Date: April 4, 2016 _
     Major is an amazing little man! He has fit himself right into our home. I look forward to learning new things about his personality. He likes attention, and will get yours if he wants to. He wants desperately to play with our two cats... They are not there yet! I am so thankful for this little man! He is family! Thank you, Rescue Me.

Sender: Janice Bernache     Date: March 29, 2016 _
     We had a great response to our posting and within just a few days we had several good candidates for Roscoe's new home. We wanted all the things we were not able to provide at this time. We found a family who had all of these things and was very excited and interested in Roscoe. We feel very fortunate to know that he has an awesome new family and fur-friend. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue

Sender: Gerard Baugh     Date: March 20, 2016 _
     We found our new dog Colt on Rescue Me. He's an amazing addition to the family.

Sender: Cindy Gayler     Date: February 14, 2016 _
     I posted this little guy along with his three siblings who were abandoned. Within a few days of posting and several inquiries, Rescue Me helped find the perfect home for him. Now he has a great fur-ever home with people to love him. Thank you, Rescue Me.

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue

Sender: Asiya Morris     Date: February 6, 2016 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me! Our Stormy found new family and friends! Everyone loves her and happy being around her! Thank you again for your help and job!

Sender: Gayle Coss     Date: January 25, 2016 _
     I received four calls the day my dog was posted on Rescue Me! We found what I think to be the perfect home for him. Thanks for all the good work that you do.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Ann Columbia     Date: January 24, 2016 _
     Our sweet Queensland Heeler girl, Lekksie, was adopted through Rescue Me! This site was a wonderful avenue to ensure she found exactly the right new home when we were no longer able to keep her. She is now in a perfect and loving home.

Sender: Jayson Southworth     Date: January 24, 2016 _
     After having a career change, we realized quickly that Sadie was not getting the attention that she deserved. We posted her for adoption and within about a week she was taken home to a loving home with plenty of room to run and dog friends to share her time with and keep her happy. We are very happy and have less heart ache knowing that she is where she will be happier. Thanks, Rescue Me.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue

Sender: Brittany Rodziewicz     Date: January 9, 2016 _
     My husband and I have been looking for a puppy to add to our new family with our two kitty cats and we found the perfect match in Murray. We originally went to the foster family for the brother Axel, and Murray just crawled in my lap and wouldn't leave! So we took him home. We have loved and enjoyed the love Murray has shown us!!! Thank you, Rescue Me, for helping us to complete our family and giving homeless animals the chance at happiness in a forever home!

Sender: Terry Beasley     Date: December 28, 2015 _
     My Pit mix dog died at age 16 about a year ago. I have been looking for an adult dog for walking, hiking, and companionship. I loved my Pit, but needed a more dog friendly breed as I meet all kinds of dogs every day. I was happy to find Henry. I am told this is a very smart breed that needs attention and stimulation to be happy. I am sure he will teach me a few tricks. I appreciate that Rescue Me gives information on temperament. Some sites give only a picture of the animal and little other information. As you know, the look of an animal is not the most important element when choosing a new family member. (Although he is quite handsome). Thank you so much. I look forward to getting Henry after his trip to the vet. Can't wait!

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Sender: Sherry Carter     Date: November 28, 2015 _
     Thanks to Rescue Me, Buddy found a home. That makes my heart so happy. Thanks.

Sender: Norma Torres     Date: October 26, 2015 _
     Ginger found her forever home! She is the only four-legged member of the family. She is being spoiled and provided with all the training and support she needs to become the best she can be. Thanks, Rescue Me, for making this possible!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Toni Kirsch     Date: October 25, 2015 _
     Odie went to a family on acreage with another Australian Cattle Dog. He gets to run and play to his heart's content. His new family has their own business, so he will be helping out there too! I used every single resource to try and find Odie a new home and I received more interest from Rescue Me than any other website. I am his foster mom and found you most helpful! Now when I foster another and get him/her ready for adoption, I will use this site again! Thank you!

Sender: Tina Lucarelli     Date: October 22, 2015 _
     After prayer at the church, Leroy was rescued within 24 hours and found the perfect ten acre farm with a female Heeler to bond with. The owners are also Christian and loving to all of their animals. God does answer your prayers. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue

Sender: Jesse Bell     Date: October 16, 2015 _
     We rescued this dog from the streets a year ago and today he found his forever home. He will be working on a 200 acre farm. I am so thankful for Rescue Me for helping me find the right home for this wonderful guy.

Sender: Kathy Huff     Date: October 15, 2015 _
     My friends tend to turn to me when they need help with their animals they can no longer care for. I met someone through a friend that received some bad medical results, and she still had two puppy's from an unplanned pregnancy. I offered to take them and find them good homes. Rescue Me helped me find a loving person to adopt one of these little guys. I got interested people the same day my plea for homes came out. Thank you, Rescue Me, for being there for these two innocent and deserving pups!

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue

Sender: Joy Nelson     Date: October 11, 2015 _
     Our family has a tendency to collect animals in need... We foster them for a bit, help them unlearn negative habits and learn new positive habits. Diamond was a rescue who stole our hearts. She was just four weeks old when she was literally thrown in the garbage with her sisters. We trained them, bottle fed them and found homes for Diamond's sisters, but kept her. The lack of socialization when she was young and not having a mother caused her to be mildly aggressive to dogs and humans (other than those she accepted into her pack). In the three years we have had her, she never let another dog near her, so we didn't worry about getting her spayed. This year she decided she wanted to be a mama. She had four puppies (two females and two males). We kept Bindi, one of the females (the one that looks the most like Diamond). Through Rescue Me we found three amazing families to take the other three puppies. Each of the families has been updating us, sending pictures, and sharing stories about how much they love their new puppies. Diamond is due to be spayed next week, so there will be no more puppies. Thank you Rescue Me for playing a vital role in helping us find furever homes for our sweet pups!

Sender: Christy Fullerton     Date: October 11, 2015 _
     She found an amazing new home. Thank you, Rescue Me.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Helen Fowler     Date: October 10, 2015 _
     We didn't expect Chelsea to find her new home so quickly, but we were able to match her up with a good man who will take her on all kinds of adventures and give her the life she deserves. Big thanks to Rescue Me!

Sender: Janet Gavinski     Date: October 4, 2015 _
     Maddy was adopted to the best ever home, and she is finally doing what she loves. She has a wonderful family. Maddy is finally home. Thank you, Rescue Me.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue

Sender: Cheryl Cinelli     Date: September 6, 2015 _
     Charlee was adopted by a charming lady who has two male ACD already, both rescues. We met today and she fell in love with Charlee. Although, I will miss her for a time and will always think about her, it will be a much better life for her on the farm with two other dogs to play with and someone who understands and loves the breed. Without Rescue Me, this would never have been possible. Thank you so much.

Sender: Olivia Cortes     Date: September 6, 2015 _
     Yes! yes! and yes! Sally has been in between boarding and foster homes for over a year. We started posting on Rescue Me about a month and already three of our long time dogs have been adopted! You Guys ROCK!!!!! Bingo, Sally and Smokey are enjoying forever homes. Thank you, Rescue Me! Forever Grateful for your website!

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue

Sender: Michael Candella     Date: September 5, 2015 _
     I had many offers for adoption for Pepper. I think I found her the perfect home. Thanks to Rescue Me!

Sender: Christina Fagel     Date: July 27, 2015 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me! As soon as I posted our Red Heeler, there were responses within hours.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Louise Kaufman     Date: July 12, 2015 _
     Cassie and Dale found us through Rescue Me. I drove Jax to his new forever family today and had the joy of watching him play with his new siblings and running around the fields and streams and starting his new life. Thank you Rescue Me for your most important service of putting together Cattle Dogs and their new families.

Sender: Yamileth Adorno     Date: July 12, 2015 _
     I'm more than pleased with Rescue Me. I never would have expected so many people to actually respond. I'm very overjoyed with the help this site has given me. I wish I could keep Chubbz, but I work too much to give him the proper attention he deserves. He was adopted by a wonderful family that loved him at first sight. It only took about six hours and that is just amazing. I will definitely be using the site in the future. And I recommend Rescue Me to anyone who is trying to give their pet up for adoption. Definitely a big help.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue

Sender: Kathleen Di Valerio     Date: July 6, 2015 _
     Skye was adopted by a nice lady with a cattle farm near our home. We are grateful that we found a nice home for her. Thank you, Rescue Me.

Sender: Amelia West     Date: June 15, 2015 _
     Oslo found a new home in the countryside near a national forrest, with a lovely new forever mom who absolutely adores him. We had several inquiries over a few months, which allowed us to truly find the right fit for his needs. While we miss him dearly, he is a city dog no more and couldn't be happier. Thanks, Rescue Me for this great service!

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue

Sender: Elisa Adams     Date: June 15, 2015 _
     I have been watching Rescue Me for about three years, waiting for the right time and the right dog. When I saw Loki's picture, I emailed right then. And away we went!!! Kelly and I decided to meet at a halfway point which made it a two and a half hour drive for both of us. It was so very worth it. By the evening, Loki was bonding with me and I him. He is such a gentleman. I plan on certifying him as a therapy dog for me. He is smart and I know he will learn quickly. Thank You so much Rescue Me and Kelly!! Loki and I will be lifelong friends and companions. Thank you is not anywhere enough, I become teary eyed just thinking about this. Thank You again, Elisa and Loki!

Sender: Judy Winn     Date: May 29, 2015 _
     Mollie was adopted by a family today that knows and loves Cattle Dogs and who have a great new home for her with horses and two fenced acres. She will sleep inside with her family at night and I know she is in good hands. Thank you to Rescue Me for such an excellent service.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Dianne Carmena     Date: May 26, 2015 _
     Our Rocco was adopted today by a loving family with other doggies through Rescue Me. I know he will be lovingly cared for and receive all the attention he could possibly need. Thank you so much for your site!

Sender: Kristi Dixon     Date: May 11, 2015 _
     Maggie found a home with land and a young girl ready to spoil her rotten!! Thanks to Rescue Me, Maggie has the opportunity to thrive in an environment perfect for her needs!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue

Sender: Katie Harris     Date: May 8, 2015 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me for helping find the perfect home for a shelter dog rescued off the euthanasia list!

Sender: Stephanie Lahr     Date: April 19, 2015 _
     Ubu was adopted by a couple with another ACD. Her new sister is also deaf! They use sign language with all their dogs, so having a deaf dog is no big deal. They have been sending us videos of her playing in her new back yard. She has a whole acre that is fenced in for the dogs to run around in! They let me know that Ubu is already getting accustom to their routine and has already picked up on the signs that they use! They love her sweet personality and are very impressed by how smart she is! Thank you, Rescue Me, for helping us find such an awesome home for our baby! It is such a relief to see her so happy and adjusting to her new pack!

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Sender: Sandy Stephenson     Date: April 19, 2015 _
     Thank you Rescue Me. Stella was posted Saturday morning and she was adopted that evening. Her new family already loves her.

Sender: Donah Davison     Date: April 17, 2015 _
     I was contacted by a wonderful family the day after I posted Apollo on Rescue Me. The family that came to see him fell in love with him and took him home the same day. I am so happy. I was so concerned we would have to take him to the shelter and he would be euthanized. Great success. Thank you so much!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Cathie Streckewald     Date: April 2, 2015 _
     Two and a half years ago, one month after burying my 14 year old Cattle Dog, Sammie, I rescued Dingo from 'Rescue Me'. He was nine years old and had lost his owner to death. No one looked at him because it right before the holidays and everyone wanted puppies. I knew I might only be able to give him four or five years, but he deserved to finish his life in a forever home. Thanks to Pilots for Pets, he was flown to a small airport near where I live. Dingo was the most incredible dog ever. He took to me immediately and we were inseparable. Sadly, he developed a tumor. We removed it, but it was bone cancer. He continued to live a happy life with shots and pain medicine until two weeks ago when the cancer erupted again and he went completely paralyzed in the rear section of his body. I stayed with this precious baby while he went to sleep. Although I was grieving badly, I still clicked on the Rescue Me links. I wasn't ready. Then two days ago a sweet, red speckled Australian Cattle dog popped up and unbelievably, she was from where I live. You have to understand, our town is super rural so it's unlikely you'd ever see anything come up here. I contacted the family that had rescued 'Daisy' and again unbelievably they live off the same road as I do only about four miles away. We went to meet Daisy yesterday and again it was love at first sight. She came home last night to her forever home and had acclimated to the home and yard as if she had been here forever. I could never do anything but rescue. Thank you for all you do with your site to help these wonderful companions.

Sender: April Miller     Date: March 30, 2015 _
     Onyx is living in paradise! Thank you, Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue

Sender: Carol Halldorson     Date: March 28, 2015 _
     This sweet little girl was left behind when her owner moved. He had no place to keep her and asked me (a neighbor) to feed her until he could find a new home for her. After three months of his not finding her a new home and showing no concern, I posted here on Rescue Me and within a week she has been adopted by a wonderful lady who has another Australian cattle dog mix. Her fate would have been going to the pound soon. This is a great service for dogs and concerned dog lovers!

Sender: Cynthia Phillips     Date: March 13, 2015 _
     Burns was placed less than a week after we posted - thanks to a combination of word of mouth and the Rescue Me site, interested people who heard from friends and neighbors hit the Rescue Me page and the rest is history. Burns is now with his new family - registered trainers of agility dogs and working dogs and owners of several Aussie shepherd and cattle-dogs already. He assimilated into 'the pack' in hours and is 'bounding toward greatness' as his new family described it. Thanks for the assistance. -Cynthia

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue

Sender: Elizabeth August     Date: March 2, 2015 _
     Garth and Paisley's human companion died suddenly and left many of us bereft and at a great loss for how to find a proper, loving forever home for our brother's faithful dog companions. Since Garth and Paisley are a bonded pair, it was absolutely critical that we find them a home together. A friend-of-a-friend helped us get the dogs posted on Rescue Me and the PERFECT family contacted us saying that Garth and Paisley were just what they were looking for for their large ranch home. Rescue Me provided the answers to our prayers, the new family's prayers, and what we believe would be the wishes of our departed brother. We're forever grateful for the great work of Rescue Me.

Sender: Jaime Montgomery     Date: January 13, 2015 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me. We were able to adopt a Blue-Heeler in the exact criteria we were looking for, and didn't have to support a breeder.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Nikole Olson-Hall     Date: December 30, 2014 _
     Kenise found a wonderful home. Thank you.

Sender: Darla Bohn     Date: December 22, 2014 _
     I have had several calls regarding Bear. A few of the calls had been just to provide information to help when he needs hip surgery. Yesterday, a man called very interested in Bear. He and his toddler came to meet him. It was love at first sight. He took Bear home. He left me a voice mail letting me know Bear was doing well and he would send me pictures soon. My family and I were very sad to see Bear go. We loved him very much! We knew that he needed more room and attention than we were able to give him and that is why we posted him on Rescue Me. Thanks to all those who I spoke to who gave me help and information.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Australian Cattle Dog Rescue

Sender: Janel Weilert     Date: December 20, 2014 _
     Katie was adopted this afternoon by a family with three children that will love and care for her and give her the attention she so deserves. Thank you for allowing me to post on Rescue Me.

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